One of the procedures we perform at Endodontic Consultants of San Antonio is apicoectomy. It is usually performed on teeth in which the original root canal treatment is failing and the patient doesn’t want the tooth extracted.
Apicoectomy is a minor surgical procedure. Once the area is numb, an incision is made along the necks of the teeth and the gums are lifted to expose the root tips and surrounding infection. The root tips are usually shaved back a few millimeters, the infection is removed from the bone and small fillings are placed in the exposed root ends. A few sutures are placed, usually the kind that dissolve on their own.. We will need to see you again the following week to remove any remaining sutures and see how the gums are healing. We will want to see you again in 6 months to assess how the bone is healing.
In most cases it is to eliminate infection in the bone that was not resolved by traditional root canal treatment. Once the infection is gone the bone that was lost due to the infection will grow back.
During the procedure, the site will be completely numb. You will feel vibration but no pain. After the numbness wears off your gums will be sore for a few days. We will give you Advil or Tylenol before you leave and recommend taking it once or twice more depending on the time of day. Most patients don’t have to take anything the next day. We also use gentle, precise techniques to minimize physical and emotional trauma during treatment, and to avoid complications following treatment. At the end of the procedure, most of our patients say something like, “That was much easier than I expected!”
We will provide detailed instructions to follow for the first few days after the surgery. Cold is applied for the first few hours, 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. Starting the next morning we will want you to swish with warm salt water a few times a day for 2-3 days. A teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. We will want you to chew on the other side for a few days and be careful when brushing and flossing.
Total treatment cost is specific to you, your needs, and your situation. They are typically about the same as traditional root canal treatment.
We look forward to addressing your concerns and answering your questions. Once we have examined you we will provide you with the exact cost. Give us a call at (210) 405-0473 to request your consultation today.