At Endodontic Consultants of San Antonio, we specialize in relieving tooth and jaw pain through root canal treatment. We have a long, proven track record of success. You can rely on us to provide a pain free experience and assist you in achieving a healthy smile.
What is a root canal?
Root canals are the spaces inside a tooth’s roots that contain the dental pulp, which consists of nerves, vessels, and other tissues. The pulp aids in the growth and development of your teeth when you are young.
Why might a tooth need root canal treatment?
The teeth are protected by a hard layer of enamel on the outside and a softer layer of dentin which surrounds the pulp. These layers are susceptible to damage such as decay, trauma or wear. If the pulp is damaged it can lead to a potential infection, pain and swelling. If that occurs, root canal therapy may be recommended to remove the infected pulp to relieve your symptoms. Damaged teeth do not have to be pulled.
What else do you offer besides root canal treatment?
If root canal treatment is not performed properly it can fail. In many cases the tooth can still be saved by redoing the root canal treatment properly. Sometimes a minor surgical procedure is necessary. In most cases these are better options than having the tooth pulled.
What are some signs you may need root canal treatment?
Your tooth may feel sensitive, especially when eating or drinking something that is hot, cold, or sweet. You may feel a sharp pain when biting down or pressure in your jaw. Swelling is a sign of infection. It’s important to seek treatment as these conditions are not likely to improve on their own and are likely to get worse.
Schedule an appointment at Endodontic Consultants of San Antonio. Call (210) 405-0473. Our doctors will find the cause of your pain. We get you feeling better again.
Dr. Richard Davis, DDS
Richard D. Davis, DDS, graduated from high school in Japan, attended the
University of Washington dental school, and joined the Air Force as a general dentist in 1978. He completed the Air Force one-year AEGD residency, a two-year Advanced General Dentistry Residency, and a fellowship in biomaterials at the
University of Indiana. Dr. Davis was a clinical instructor, research director, and lecturer at the Air Force. He has published many scientific articles and research papers, and has lectured on many topics. Following retirement from the Air Force in 1999, he completed the graduate program in endodontics at the
University of Oregon in 2001, and joined Dr. Schwartz and has been in private practice in endodontics since then.
Dr. Richard Schwartz, DDS
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Richard S. Schwartz, DDS, graduated from the
University of Minnesota dental school in 1977. He was a restorative dentist for 19 years: Early in his career, he attended a two-year general dentistry residency while in the US Air Force, and then did a combination of private practice, teaching, and dental materials research before entering endodontic post-graduate training in 1996. He has authored over 100 articles and abstracts in scientific journals and lectured extensively in the US and in 21 other countries, including 12 times at the American Association of Endodontists’ national meeting. Since 1998 Dr. Schwartz has been in full-time private practice in endodontics in San Antonio, TX, and has practiced with Dr. Davis since 2001. He was a founding member and first secretary/treasurer of the
International Association of Endodontics. He is also a member of the
American Dental Association and
International Association of Dental Specialists.
Dr. Zhangrui Liang, DDS, MS
Dr. Zhangrui “Zac” Liang, DDS, MS, grew up in China and has been in the US since 2015. He attended dental school in China and did his endodontic training at
UCLA, where he also received a Masters of Science degree. He has practiced with Dr. Davis and Dr. Schwartz since 2022.
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