The specialists at Endodontic Consultants of San Antonio are trained to diagnose and treat dental pain and infections. Dr. Rick Schwartz, Dr. Rick Davis, and Dr. Zac Liang advise on home remedies and ways to relieve the pain of a toothache in the short term. Most of the time, they recommend root canal therapy to treat the underlying infection.Â
Healthy teeth are protected by ultra-strong enamel and softer dentin. Damage to these outer layers can threaten or compromise the nerves, vessels, and tissues inside the tooth.
In addition to heightened sensitivity and pain, patients may notice:
Patients with infected teeth may experience fever and difficulty swallowing. Infections can spread and do not resolve on their own, requiring timely treatment.
Abscesses are pockets of pus. They are caused by bacterial infections. Abscesses can arise in any part of the mouth. Periapical abscesses are at the tips or ends of teeth roots. Periodontal abscesses develop in the gum tissue and usually appear near the side of the affected tooth.
Our office can provide instructions on using Tylenol and other OTC medications. We may suggest rinsing with salt water or a baking soda paste. Applying a cold compress as recommended can help to ease the swelling.
Sometimes, Dr. Schwartz, Dr. Davis, or Dr. Liang prescribe antibiotics. These medications generally fight bacterial infections. In some instances, specific conditions may require antibiotic therapy as a premedication. However, not all patients will need or be suitable for this treatment. In addition to antibiotics, antimicrobial rinses can be used to address the bacteria responsible for the infection.
Our endodontists have extensive and highly focused training in root canal treatment. This procedure involves removing the damaged tissue inside of the tooth. The infection and pain are eliminated. Root canal treatment ultimately preserves the tooth, and extraction or removal of the tooth is avoided.
Contact Endodontic Consultants of San Antonio for trusted, specialty care. Call (210) 405-0473 to schedule an appointment at our San Antonio, TX office today.